Farming Forecaster
We have launched the new Farming Forecaster tool which TFS has been involved with since inception. The launch happened in April 2020 via Webinar with the Hon Angus Taylor, Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction cutting the ‘online ribbon’ for the unveiling. Farming Forecaster puts weather, soil moisture, pasture production and livestock performance information at the fingertips of farmers allowing them to make timely and informed decisions during increasingly volatile and variable conditions. This system was made possible through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program with a Smart Farming Partnership grant.
Access to the system has been released to TFS members via personalized logins with the public page available to all. To become a member of TFS and gain access to the TFS member only areas of Farming Forecaster, please make contact with us.
Trial Sites
TFS have hosted numerous pasture trial sites over the years. Currently, we are working with CSIRO on their research project, ‘Serradellas for new environments’. The project is funded by Meat and Livestock Australia and involves researchers from CSIRO, NSW DPI and the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture.
The research project is testing cultivar suitability and investigating the agronomy required to successfully establish serradellas in permanent pasture environments.
Serradellas can yield as well as sub clover but with ~30-50% less applied P*, they are less bloating and can grow well in cool climates. However, the right cultivars and agronomy is needed to achieve a successful pasture.
Worm Testing
TFS has run their Worm Egg Count (WEC) program for its members since 2019. This program involves TFS providing the resources and lab testing for up to $310 of WEC testing for each membership, through Dawbuts Animal Health in Camden. The results from member testing are collated and input into a spreadsheet. Every 4 weeks, deidentified testing results are provided to our members via newsletter.
Besides providing valuable information to producers and encouraging members to WEC, this project provides geographical feedback on worm burdens in the TFS area. Please note that TFS will accept worm testing results from members from any lab. For more information on becoming a member and taking up the free worm testing please contact us.
Drought Hub
TFS are a member of the Southern NSW Drought Resilience Adoption & Innovation Hub. The Hub is one of eight across Australia, established by the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment. The Southern NSW Hub is a partnership led by Charles Sturt University in Wagga and also University of Canberra, Australian National University, NSW Local Land Services, NSW DPI, First Nations Governance Circle, RuralAid and Farming Systems Group Alliance (which includes TFS).
The purpose of the Hub is to support farmers and communities to prepare for drought. Planning is underway for the next iteration of the Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub and the role of Farming Systems Groups within the Hub.
Carbon Outreach Program
TFS is collaborating with the Grower Group Alliance for the delivery of the National Industry-led Carbon Farming Outreach Program. The program is delivered with funding support from the Commonwealth of Australia through the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water under the Carbon Farming Outreach Program.
TFS will be delivering 5 carbon workshops over 2 years – some will be a basic introduction to carbon farming, whilst others will be more comprehensive and on-farm. We are in the process of planning these workshops and hope to hold the first in early 2025.
Soil Testing
Annual soil testing is an important step for producers monitoring soil fertility. TFS offers all members a streamlined soil testing process with $225 of free testing each year. Members can also take advantage of the reduced TFS rates for additional testing.
The soil testing program has been running since 2015 and members that participate annually have built up an understanding of their soil fertility levels and compositions. Annually the results are collated and analysed by industry experts with results presented to members. For more information on becoming a member to take advantage of soil testing please contact us.