Supporting Farmers with Local Solutions

As a grower-owned organisation founded in 2013, Tablelands Farming Systems has quickly established itself as a credible provider of localised farming information and delivers training and workshops to improve the way farms operate. We are focused on supporting farmers of all size and shape and we work closely with government agencies, agribusiness and local agricultural service providers to offer the latest industry information direct to our members.

Core to the organisation’s mandate is that our members directly influence the type of projects we run and these respond to specific challenges in our region and/or enhance our members’ overall farm business and land management.

Since commencement TFS has run a large number of successful initiatives that have directly benefited our members’ bottom line, including Soil Club which focuses on fertiliser efficiency, worm egg count testing, regular Field Days and the Farming Forecaster tool, a  seasonal forecasting tool specific to our region.

The farming systems model is proving to be hugely successful right around Australia; particularly because of the role the groups play in directly addressing farmers’ needs in a timely and practical way. Our overall success is inextricably linked to the level of engagement of the Tableland Farming Systems Board and members to shape the types of research, development and extension activities that are undertaken.